Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas

God has blessed us in so many ways this past year. Brad and Rikki got married, Brock and Kat had a miracle surprise – though the doctors said they could not conceive they are expecting our first grandchild in February. We could not ask for better daughter’s-in-law – we love them so much. The Lord has directed us to a new wonderful doctor for Brandi so please pray that we find some answers early in 2010. Please browse through the attached photos for a glimpse of the highlights of our year.

The greatest story ever told is the Gift of Christmas - God’s incredible gift of His son for our benefit. Rick Warren writes “this gift is unique in three distinct ways – it is the most expensive gift you will ever receive because Christ paid for it with His life. It is the most practical gift because you will use it every day of your life and finally, it is the best gift because it is the only gift you will ever receive that will last for eternity”. Thank you God for this unspeakable gift.

In some way each one of you has enriched our lives. For that we are grateful to the Lord and to you. May the Lord bless you and your family this holiday season as you reflect on the Gift of Christmas.


Our Christmas production
A year of preparation for 9 performances
8,000 attended
$29,000 raised for orphanage in Africa
70 people signed up for the Alpha Course
1,100 Gideon bibles handed out

Our Family

Our Family


Brad and Rikki's wedding was
at Bethel church here in Ottawa.


Mom and her handsome boys.


Wayne was a groomsman in Brad's wedding.
What a privilege and honor for a Dad!


Brad on his wedding day. Cute eh?


Wayne and I, on our son's big day.


Wayne and his Boo!


I am so blessed to have awesome girls.
And...... another girl on the way!


Sisters-Debbie, Lisa and Brenda

Cousins Day

Wayne and I on Cousins Day.


Wayne and I on our trip to Kelowna


Wayne and his Mom.
You certainly wouldn't know she was 75 years old.


Wayne's Mom got married to John
on her birthday this year.


Brock, Brad and Brandi


Evan, Caroline, Kyra and Curtis are my little ones
I care for every day. Cutie Petuties!!


Kat and Brock at camp on the Rooney's boat.

Cousins Day

Wayne and Brad


Brandi, Brad, Rikki, Kat and Brock


Proud parents with their kids.


A highlight this year was Brad and Rikki's wedding on May 30/09


During kids camp this year Wayne would get up every morning and pick up our nieces and their friends and drive them on the golf cart to the dining hall. He picked them up at the end of the day as well. It was a highlight of their week. They absolutely loved it!


Brandi and her best friend in the world, her beloved Jack!


Wayne and Brandi at the trailer this summer


Brock and Kat are expecting Feb. 25 (Wayne's birthday)
Woo Hoo!!!

Cousins Day

Every summer we get together at Brenda and Bruce's for "Cousins Day".
This year we were very excited to have Rikki in our family picture.